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Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Sveta anons

Светик, спасибо за доверие, вот первые ласточки. Ты можешь отсюда скачать.
Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Lena guide

Лена, спасибо за съемку, было очень приятно и весело. Остальные кадры пришлю ссылкой завтра.
Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Yadviga-guide pandemi time

Ядвига, ты чудесная, была рада выбраться с тобой. У меня много похожих фото, я выбрала мои любимые.
Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Kate and family

Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Kate and family

Happy family from Berlin
Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Pisa walk

Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia


Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Dasha 34

Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Ania Maia

Мне было очень приятно с твоей семьей. Ваши первые фото
Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Sergey e Nadia

Первые кадры с вашей прогулки. Мне было очень приятно с вами. Приятного просмотра и с днем рождения.
Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Veronica e Ale

Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

ALe e Nico

Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Walk in Lucca

First photos for your wonderful family
Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Piccola Adele

Andrey and Lena and kids. Family Lifestyle Photographer in Lucca, Italia

Anna and Nicola

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